Richard Hughes IV, Member of the Firm, speaks at the National Vaccine Law Conference, which runs from September 15 to 16.
Legal Structures of Vaccination Funding and Distribution (September 15, 9:30-10:30am ET)
This session covers the various statutory regimes governing the funding and distribution of vaccines to states and communities.
The Bright Future of Vaccine Development (September 15, 3:50-4:50pm ET)
This session examines the legal implications of vaccines under development for conditions like HIV, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and drug addiction.
Vaccine Mandates: Religious Exemptions and Faith Communities (September 16, 10:30-12:00pm ET)
This session examines issues arising from efforts to obtain exemptions from vaccination based on claimed religious objections. Matters covered include:
- Constitutionality of public and private mandates not containing religious exemptions
- Assertion that legally required religious exemptions cannot meaningfully be obtained
- Best practices in construction of religious exemption
- Efforts to confirm claims of religious belief
- Vaccination mandates from the perspective of faith communities
For more information and to register, please visit
Related Materials
ABA First National Vaccine Law Conference: Papers and Proceedings
Event Detail
George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School Washington, DC