Adam S. Forman, Member of the Firm, co-presents "Use of AI in Employment Decisions: Legal Concerns in Hiring, Performance Management, and Termination," hosted by Strafford.
Employers are looking for increased efficiency in their hiring process and examining the possibility of quick, measurable results using AI to help screen applicants. Employers use AI-related data to prescreen resumes and applications, evaluate video-recorded interviews, create work simulations and chatbots, and mine social media to determine applicants' digital footprint. The critical legal question is whether employers use these tools to make decisions about applicants and employees and what impact these tools may have.
In this webinar, Adam and others guide employment counsel on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to manage many facets of the employment lifecycle, including hiring, performance management, and termination decisions. They discuss the use of automated technology to screen resumes, analyze video interviews, suggest (or outright select) which candidates to hire, track employee productivity, issue written discipline, or recommend termination of employment. They also address the algorithms and their inherent biases underlying past employment practices or social conventions embedded in their code through the data sets they rely upon.
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