Lynn Shapiro Snyder and Rachel Snyder Good, attorneys in the Health Care & Life Sciences practice, in the firm’s Baltimore and Washington, DC, offices, were guests on Silicon Society’s “Fireside Chat: AI in Healthcare - a Legal & Compliance Perspective,” with Rachel Cohen.
Following is an excerpt:
As most people here know, Silicon Society was created to build and upskill for a new era in technology. We have our agency where we build cutting-edge products, data solutions for clients, and our society, with some folks here today, where we help technologists level up in their career. Fireside chats are meant to be a place where anyone can come and learn from innovators and outside-the-box thinkers in the tech space.
And so for today, I am so genuinely excited to have Lynn Shapiro Snyder and Rachel Snyder Good here with us. Lynn and Rachel are top attorneys at Epstein Becker and Green, focused on innovation, compliance, reimbursement, and mergers ... Their clients include U.S. health care and life sciences companies, private equity, VC firms, and more. Today we're going to focus on the incredible amount of AI opportunity in this space and the need to balance innovation with compliance and patient safety.